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Solution home
New billing data has been loaded for a cycle that has been processed (Closed) - how do I bill for these records?
My invoice failed to post to the accounting system - how can I resolve this?
I have processed my invoices, but they are still open - how do I close them?
Is my accounting system updated once I have processed my invoices?
Can I reverse an invoice once it has been posted to my accounting system?
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Can I convert an individual customer to a business and vice versa?
My clients' registration number keeps failing validation - why is this?
My clients' VAT number keeps failing validation - why is this?
Can I allocate my customer to multiple billing cycles?
My client is registered as a single company, but has different divisions, branches, etc. for which they want separate invoices - How can I do this?
Why can't I edit the client and product master on the contract?
Products and Pricing
When do I capture a GL code vs and Inventory code?
We bill in seconds, do I specify a rate per minute or per second?
Why can a product name not be duplicated?
Source Collectors
The Source Collector run is failing - What could be the cause of this?
Why do I keep getting "Source Collector failed to run" notifications?
Invoices are queued to be emailed - why are they not being sent?
Why is a code generated for each entity created?
Not all items selected are being exported - Why is this?
My registration of forgot password link does not work - Why is this?
Not all items selected are being deleted - Why is this?
Client Identifiers
The error "The Client Identifier is not linked" keeps on popping up when the billing cycle is validated - What could be the cause of this?
The error "client identifier is linked to an inactive contract" keeps popping up when I validate - What could be the cause of this?
Why do I get the error "Contract with client identifier already exist" when creating the client identifier, but the error is displayed on Validation that the client identifier does not yet exist?
How do I determine what records are being collected for a specific Client Identifier?
My Varibill Report has not populated with any data
I keep getting a Run-Time error when I try and refresh my report
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