If your Source Collector failed to run and you need to ensure you bill for a full cycle, a few steps will need to be followed:

Step 1: Determine the Failure Reason

  1. Navigate to Admin, Source Collectors and select the Source Collector Activity button.
    1. If the Source Collector was able to communicate with Varibill, an entry would be visible on this screen, with the relevant error relating to the failure (under the Actions column). (Read this article for more information) 
    2. If the Source Collector was not able to communicate with Varibill, for whatever reason, you would need to navigate to the server on which the Source Collector is installed.
      1. NORMALLY (this is not always the case), the Source Collector is installed on the source server under the C:/Program Files and then inside a Varibill folder. 
      2. You will then need to navigate to the specific Source Collector's log file.
      3. In the log file - you will need to find an entry for one of the days that the Source Collector failed to run.
      4. Open this file in Internet Explorer. 
      5. When the file opens, you need to have a look and see what the Outcome Reason was.
      6. The solution to the error depends on the specific error and will need to be resolved with your technical team. (Refer to this article for more information)
        1. Alternatively contact Varibill support with the error so we can advise accordingly.
  2. Please also refer to this article for more information.

Step 2

Step 2 A - Rerun the Source Collector Manually

In order to rerun the Source Collector manually, please follow these steps:

  1. NORMALLY (this is not always the case), the Source Collector is installed on the source server under the C:/Program Files and then inside a Varibill folder.
  2. Navigate to the specific Source Collector's folder.
  3. You need to find the Windows Batch file (this is the type of the file).
  4. Double click this in order to rerun the Source Collector.

Step 2 B - Manually Import a file containing the data for the missing period using collected data

If, for whatever reason you cannot rerun the Source Collector and need to import billing data now, follow steps 2 - 4 of this article. PLEASE NOTE, this will use the existing collected billing data, and be duplicated to the end of the billing cycle. This means products or service provisioned or cancelled between these dates will not reflect on Varibill.

Step 3: Confirm the data imported into Varibill

  1. If the Source Collector ran successfully, as in Step 2A, or you have manually imported data, as in Step 2B, you will be able to view the records you have imported on the Data Maintenance screen.
    1. If Step 2A did not import billing records into Varibill, then the cause of the failure in Step 1 needs to be resolved first. (Confirm that the cause is still the same)

Read more on docs.varibill.com for additional Source Collector related information, Data Maintenance options and possible next steps.